Category Archives: Family

Kino + Kenali: Blueberry Picking

This morning I headed out to the Chmielewski Blueberry Farm to pick blueberries (and take some lifestyle photography shots) with Kino and Kenali for the first time ever! This small farm is located in Hockley, and so worth the little drive into the country! We were greeted with a smile, a bucket for storing blueberries,...

Connor: Pumpkin Patch

Sometimes you only get 15 minutes in a pumpkin patch, and sometimes that’s all you need! Connor loved picking up all the little pumpkins and went home with THREE after our little mini shoot!

Josh+Amy+Noah+Lylah: Houston family pictures

I treasure the families that I get to photograph year after year. This was our SIXTH annual family photo shoot, and I adore how colorful and fun this group is! Check out the twins and our adventures in downtown Houston!

Elan+Dena+Ephraim+Rannanah+Orlee: Houston Family Photographer

The last time I took pictures for this gorgeous family was for Ephraim’s bar mitzvah, now it’s Rannanah’s turn! I love how this family seems to coordinate so effortlessly… a simple color scheme with patterns mixed in: family portrait perfection! This year’s photos were taken at the Centennial Gardens in Houston’s museum district.

Patrick+Casey+Connor: Family Pictures in NW Houston

This was a completely last minute session, but when I realized my nephew was almost 13 months old and still had no one year photos, I demanded a photo session! Patrick packed up Connor and some balloons and I brought with a few clothing options for Casey. (She came straight from work and had already...